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Chemical Peels

Not all transformations require a surgical solution. One of the best alternative solutions for face, neck and hands, when the goal is corrective freshening, is the use of chemical peels.

Chemical peels work by creating a blistering effect on the outer skin layers, causing the skins to “peel away” to reveal a fresher layer. This results in a revitalized look without the use of more invasive techniques.

Chemical peels may be indicated when considering any of the following:

  • Improving the appearance of mild scarring or certain types of acne
  • Addressing fine lines around the mouth or under eyes
  • Treating mild wrinkles caused by sun or the aging process
  • Reduction of age spots or unwanted freckles
  • Evening out dark patches (melasma) due to pregnancies or the taking of birth control pills

Our doctors will recommend the best agents for the chemical peel based on several factors such as medications being taken, a history of cold sores, etc. The chemical peel is a useful tool in the arsenal of options maintained and administer by our doctors and the staff. Based on the degree of damage and degree of transformation being sought, other options may be better suited. Our doctors and the staff will work with each candidate to determine if the chemical peel is the best solution.

Green peel

Perfect Peel




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