How often should I get a facial?

Skin care experts advise that recipients get a professional facial every three to four weeks, or the length of time it takes for the skin to go through the complete cycle of cellular growth and exfoliation.

These are some of the chemical peels that we offer and their main application:

  • Salicylic acid 30% (Acne, oiliness, pore size)
  • Glycolic acid 30%-50% (Acne, oiliness, pore size, hyperpigmentation, shallow scarring)
  • Mandelic acid (Redness, oiliness, glowing)
  • Pyruvic acid (skin rejuvenation, hyperpigmentation, shallow scarring)
  • Jessner Peel (acne, hyperpigmentation, shallow scarring)
  • Green peel (acne, hyperpigmentation, oiliness)
  • TCA peels (rejuvenation, precancerous lesions and acne scars)
  • VIPEEL (melasma, hyperpigmentation. acne and acne scars)

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