
Hidrafacial en Sugar Land, Katy y Houston, Texas

HydraFacial™ representa lo último en tratamientos de lujo para el cuidado de la piel que tratan y miman la piel con un enfoque no invasivo. La terapia se utiliza para renovar y rejuvenecer la piel sin irritación ni tiempo de inactividad.

Se utiliza una tecnología HydraFacial™ para exfoliar las células muertas de la piel mientras que una suave exfoliación con ácido elimina las impurezas de los poros. La succión Vortex elimina y limpia los poros mientras se introducen ácido hialurónico y antioxidantes para hidratar y nutrir la epidermis y la dermis.

Puede usar un tratamiento HydraFacial™ para mejorar la salud de su piel y para tratar afecciones específicas de la piel, como acné, arrugas, líneas finas, daño por exposición a la luz, hiperpigmentación, melasma, sequedad, opacidad, poros dilatados y oleosidad. El tratamiento también mejora la textura de la piel y aumenta la elasticidad y firmeza.

Los resultados de este tratamiento facial se comparan favorablemente con los que podría recibir de los métodos de rejuvenecimiento ablativo, como los tratamientos con láser o la microdermoabrasión. Sin embargo, hay una diferencia significativa. Estás libre de cualquier tiempo de inactividad, irritación o incomodidad. Por lo tanto, puede programar un HydraFacial™ y continuar con sus actividades del día.

Un HydraFacial™ limpia profundamente, exfolia y extrae las impurezas ambientales, como puntos blancos y puntos negros, mientras humecta y rehidrata la piel. Los sueros embellecedores de la piel se utilizan para un rejuvenecimiento completo. Además de la cara, puede usar un HydraFacial™ en otras áreas del cuerpo, como los hombros, el escote, el cuello y la espalda.

La mayoría de los especialistas en el cuidado de la piel comparan el HydraFacial™ con la microdermoabrasión. Según la Sociedad Estadounidense de Cirujanos Plásticos, la microdermoabrasión se define como un método en el que se usa un instrumento para lijar suavemente la piel, eliminando la capa externa más gruesa y desigual de la piel. Sin embargo, muchos pacientes de HydraFacial™ afirman que la terapia es mejor, ya que el tratamiento exfolia y succiona las células muertas de la superficie de la piel mientras proporciona hidratación y nutrientes.

El proceso HydraFacial™ consta básicamente de 3 pasos, y el tratamiento completo dura, en promedio, entre 30 y 60 minutos. El primer paso es el paso de rejuvenecimiento, llamado "limpiar y pelar". Aquí es donde se exfolia la piel. La exfoliación consiste en eliminar las células muertas y opacas de la capa externa de la piel. La exfoliación ilumina el aspecto de la piel al destapar los poros y aumentar la producción de colágeno. Para este propósito se utiliza una punta HydraFacial™. El instrumento produce un vórtice de líquido sobre la piel, que elimina la piel muerta y las impurezas.

El siguiente paso del proceso HydraFacial™ consiste en extraer las impurezas e hidratar la piel. La punta HydraFacial™ se utiliza para limpiar los poros y, al mismo tiempo, humectar. El tercer paso, que es la fase de "fusión y protección", finaliza el tratamiento HydraFacial™ agregando sueros o potenciadores de la piel. Estas sustancias están diseñadas para cuidar los objetivos específicos de la piel de un paciente y, por lo tanto, pueden usarse para reducir la hiperpigmentación, suavizar el aspecto de las arrugas o líneas, revitalizar e iluminar el aspecto de la piel opaca o reducir la apariencia de los poros dilatados.


What is the dermatological definition of a HydraFacial™?

If you had a board-certified dermatologist describe the procedure, he or she would say that the HydraFacial™ is a hydra- or water-based dermabrasion treatment that uses a patented technology to refine and rejuvenate the skin in three basic steps. These steps include cleansing, extracting, and hydrating. This branded med-spa experience requires that spas be registered and licensed to sell this specialized skincare service.

Am I a good candidate for a HydraFacial™?

According to the company that developed the HydraFacial™, the treatment is helpful for all skin tones. However, medical doctors point out that the therapy should be avoided if you have a sunburn, rash, or rosacea. Pregnant women should not receive the treatment either. Skin specialists add that some of the ingredients used for the facial, such as salicylic acid, have not been tested and shown to be safe for use during pregnancy.

What should I do to prepare for the HydraFacial™?

Normally, you should adjust your normal skin care routine before your appointment. For example, if you are using a prescription cream, don’t apply it several days before your scheduled appointment. Doing so will prevent irritation. Tell the HydraFacial™ practitioner about the products you use for skincare and ask for his or her recommendations about using them prior to your appointment date.

Who normally performs a HydraFacial™?

You can safely receive a HydraFacial™ from a trained dermatologist or esthetician.

How much does it cost to get a HydraFacial™?

The price will vary, based on your location and the type of practice. On average, a 45-minute treatment costs around $185.00.

¿Cuántos tratamientos de hidrafacial necesito para ver resultados?

La mayoría de los pacientes informan que ven un refinamiento visible en el aspecto de su piel después de un tratamiento. De hecho, puede salir de su cita con una piel más suave y radiante.

Does it hurt to get a HydraFacial™?

The most uncomfortable part of the therapy is during the exfoliation step. This part of the treatment may feel a bit “sandpapery” but not exactly painful. Also, take note that the machine used for a HydraFacial™ features a variety of attachments that spin or whirr, so the facial is not one where you can close your eyes and drift off a bit.

How is a HydraFacial™ different from a chemical peel or microdermabrasion treatment?

Unlike microdermabrasion, which uses manual extraction to remove impurities, the HydraFacial™ uses a vacuum-like tip to deep clean the skin. This makes a HydraFacial™ less painful. Also, chemical peels use acids that normally work better on lighter skin tones. The HydraFacial™ works on all skin types and skin tones.

How often should I get a HydraFacial™?

Dermatologists and med-spa specialists recommend that patients undergo a treatment every 30-60 days for better results.

What is involved, basically, in a 60-minute standard HydraFacial™ treatment?

The 60-minute treatment is divided into 3 primary sections, with the first section being the cleanse and peel phase. This phase allows the practitioner to uncover a fresh and new layer of skin by exfoliation and resurfacing. An Activ-4™ serum is used to remove the dead skin and reveal healthier-and-younger-looking skin. A GlySal™ treatment, or a mix of glycolic and salicylic acids, offers the benefits of a chemical peel, without the problems of post-treatment scaling.

Therefore, during the first step, the skin is cleansed and exfoliated, and the Activ-4™ serum is used. The Activ-4™ serum contains lactic acid and glucosamine, both which remove the outer layer of dead skin. The serum is infused into the skin to realize a more effective sloughing off of the dry skin. During the second part of the standard 60-minute treatment, GlySal™ is used to dissolve any impurities – such as blackheads, sunscreen, or cosmetics that are clogging the pores.

The vacuum level on the HydraFacial™ machine is increased to efficiently remove the impurities and GlySal™ from the pores. During this extraction phase, BetaHD™ serum is used, which contains a low amount of salicylic acid and honey extract, to soothe the skin and get rid of excess oil.

During the final part of the treatment, the skin is re-hydrated using hyaluronic acid, which can hold about 1,000 time its weight in water, thereby providing the ultimate in moisturization. The serum used during this part of the treatment is known as Antiox™. Not only does it contain hyaluronic acid, it also contains antioxidants and vitamins A and E. All these ingredients moisturize and protect the skin from the free radicals that lead to premature aging. You can also opt for other treatment options, including lymphatic drainage, or include “Derma Builder™” steps, designed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Telegrama de nuestros clientes

Jennifer did a great job with my Hydrafacial treatment. She is very professional and indicated every step of the treatment. I highly recommend her!
- Katia Schexnaildre - September 01, 2024
I love my monthly Hydrafacials, laser hair removal and different kind of peelings. Thank you Jessica for doing my Hydrafacial today. All the staff makes me feel welcome every time I go. I also like the products they sell, specially the Hyaluronic Acid, hand cream and sunscreen. You should try them!! My kids use them too.
- Marcela Barrera - March 27, 2024
I had an amazing facial with May. She is so knowledgeable and passionate about skin. I love coming to see her for my skin concerns. I highly recommend May for all facials.
- W Jalal - March 25, 2024
Everyone was very helpful and patient. They helped Me get all the information I needed. The receptionist Claudia was amazing.
- Johan Hernandez - February 22, 2024

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