Are You A Good Candidate for a Male Breast Reduction?

It’s not uncommon for the male breast to become enlarged. In fact, 40-60% of the male population, both adults and adolescents, are afflicted with it. When the enlargement persists for over a year and a half it can become permanent, called gynecomastia Persistent enlargement can cause physical pain and discomfort, making even routine daily activities more difficult. Enlarged male breasts can also leave a negative psychological impact for some men and boys. Living with gynecomastia can lead to lack of self-esteem and emotional discomfort. This often results in not wanting to go shirtless in public, such as when swimming with others around. But, leaving the shirt on tends to draw attention as well. Fortunately, there is a better solution than keeping the shirt on. The number of male breast reductions is increasing, as it becomes more acceptable for men to turn to plastic surgery and procedures.

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