How does CoolSculpting work?

Clinical studies have demonstrated that fat cells die when exposed to extreme cold. Once these fat cells are destroyed by the CoolSculpting treatment, the body eliminates them through its natural elimination processes. The CoolSculpting procedure is performed using a state-of-the-art unique hand-piece that delivers optimally controlled cold to precise subdermal layers of skin and muscle tissue. You won’t feel any discomfort during the procedure, thanks to this revolutionary device. CoolSculpting freezes away up to 20% of fat cells in each treatment area, and is ideal for adults who maintain a healthy, active lifestyle and a stable and healthy weight, but who want to reduce stubborn fatty deposits that diet and exercise cannot eliminate. CoolSculpting is highly effective as a spot reduction treatment, but it does not achieve the same results as liposuction, which provides more dramatic body contouring, nor the same degree of skin tightening and lifting as a body lift, tummy tuck or other surgical procedure. Nonetheless, you may combine a CoolSculpting treatment with any surgical procedure or with liposuction, in order to achieve more dramatic and significant improvements. CoolSculpting is not recommended for patients pursuing significant weight loss, nor is it a suitable treatment for obesity.

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