Botox or Fillers?

Both neuromodulators and fillers can soften lines and wrinkles in the face to give a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. Choosing the type of injectable that’s best for you will depend on your specific areas of concerns and your goals for results. You might even choose to have both types of injectables! A consultation with one of our expert cosmetic injectors can help you make the right decision. If you are in the Sugar Land or Katy, TX area, contact our office today to schedule a consultation!

How Can I Control Eczema?

Developing eczema is never fun to go through. It can make us feel isolated and uncomfortable, and leaving the house, even for a moment, can become harder knowing others will most likely stare. As common as eczema is, affecting nearly 3 million US citizens a year, we still have no cure for it. However, if you suffer from eczema, there are many treatments available, depending on the severity of your condition. Many dermatologists are working hard in the care of your skin, and hope to one day help rid you of your blemishes.

What is Eczema?

The most common form of eczema is Atopic Dermatitis. It is a chronic skin condition caused by a barrier dysfunction and increased inflammation, and, for the most part, hereditary. The easiest way to understand it, is that where healthy skin has an outer skin barrier that allows moisture to penetrate the skin while keeping irritants out, those that have eczema have a weak skin barrier that causes moisture to escape and irritants to enter. By having a weak skin barrier, your skin becomes dry and itchy, causing the urge to scratch the infected area, and therefore creating an outbreak. Eczema usually presents itself on the scalp, face, and flexural areas such as armpits, elbows, and groin, which makes it even more annoying to endure; either it’s somewhere seen, or somewhere that we’re constantly moving. Thankfully, there are steps we can take to calm and soothe our infected areas. Triggers Everyone has different triggers as to what causes their eczema in Houston, and once we understand our specific trigger, we can be aware of what to look for and when to catch it. There are three main triggers to be aware of; irritants, environment, and emotional. Irritants can cause bacteria to enter your skin causing an outbreak. Things such as synthetic fibers, detergents, perfumes, dust, sand, etc. can cause inflammation. Your environment can also play a key role in your trigger. Understand what kind of weather affects you, be it hot or cold temperatures, humidity, or dry air. The last trigger, which can be hard to control, is emotional. Although at times can be hard to manage, anxiety and stress can cause flares, so if your trigger is emotional, try different techniques to soothe your mind when in stressful situations. Treatments There are many treatments on the market right now to help in controlling your eczema. There are excellent over-the-counter products like moisturizers and cleansers. These can help by reducing symptoms like swelling, redness, and itchiness. Ask your dermatologist what the best product to buy before trying different treatments. Moisturizing is very important when fighting eczema. Because your skin becomes dry and itchy, moisturizing is key in stopping inflammation from starting. It is important to understand how and when to moisturize properly, and what products to use that is best fit for you. And very importantly to avoid scratching, rubbing and scrubbing the skin. Proper bathing techniques, which include spending no longer than 10 minutes in the shower/tub, avoiding hot water, and avoiding sponges, loofas and rags are also important and highly effective in treating dry skin. There are many other treatments on the market, and those that can be prescribed, depending on the severity of your eczema. Before experimenting with treatments on your own however, make sure to first ask your Houston dermatologist for a consultation. They will be able to further assist you and your skin, understanding what’s best for you.

What is a PRP Facial?

A PRP facial uses a patient’s own blood for the plasma it contains. Plasma contains growth factors that encourage our skin to regenerate its cells and produce collagen. The patient’s blood is first drawn and then the blood is transferred to a centrifuge to be processed. This process isolates the plasma for the most concentrated treatment. To apply, the plasma can either be injected or applied topically using a microneedling device for maximum absorption.

Why is it Called a Mommy Makeover?

Pregnancy and childbirth alters the body by stretching of the abdominal muscles and breasts, which leads to excess skin and breast deflation. And, because those changes come after becoming a mom, the repairs and enhancements performed are often called a mommy makeover.

How Do I Know if I am a Good Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

If you have deflated breasts, loose abdominal muscles, or extra skin and fat after your last pregnancy that will not improve with consistent diet and exercise, you could be a good candidate.

When is a Good Time for a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover should not be considered until after you have finished having children.

How Long is Surgery for a Mommy Makeover?

Depending on which surgery you have, it often is anywhere from 1.5 to 6 hours.

Is a Mommy Makeover Painful?

Post surgery discomfort is minimized through a variety of pre-op, intra-op, and post-op methods. However, the techniques we use are designed for minimal recovery time and greatest benefit.

How Much Does a Mommy Makeover Cost in Houston?

That will all depend on which surgery or combination of surgeries you choose. It’s best to come in for a consultation to discuss which surgery is best for you, and go over the cost at that time.
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