

What’s the difference between fillers and neurotoxins?

Neurotoxins or neuromodulators help reduce frown, forehead, and crow’s feet lines in the upper region of the face. Fillers add volume to help soften and smooth wrinkles and folds in the lower regions of the face

What’s the difference between filler injection and anti-aging serum?

Filler injection is an in-office treatment with your provider that helps smooth lines, wrinkles, and folds from inside your skin. Filler injection helps restore volume to the skin’s surface by filling in the area where volume and elasticity have been lost over time. Results can last between 1 year and 15 months. Anti-aging HA serum is a cosmetic product that is intended to provide moisture and restore skin elasticity. Cosmetic HA serums may have an anti-wrinkle effect when applied topically but are not made to restore lost volume beneath the surface of the skin.

What is the RHA® Collection?

The RHA® Collection is Resilient Hyaluronic Acid (HA) dermal fillers designed for facial dynamics. The collection represents the latest advancement in HA technology in more than a decade. The RHA® Collection uses a gentle manufacturing process to more closely resemble the natural HA in the skin. The RHA® Collection offers four HA-filler formulations. RHA Redensity™ is a weightless filler that smooths delicate lipstick lines. RHA® 2 and RHA® 3 offer elegant and refined smoothing for those seeking a soft, natural look in wrinkles and folds. RHA® 3 also enhances lip fullness and definition. Lastly, RHA® 4 provides natural volume for deeper dynamic wrinkles and folds.

Why is a dynamic filler important?

Areas treated by HA fillers can go back to their original shape after being altered, stretched, bent, or compressed. Fillers need to have a high level of resilience because they are used in dynamic areas of the face, such as around the mouth. With all of the micromovements we make throughout the day like smiling, laughing, and talking, it’s important to have a dynamic filler that can adapt and be resilient to the movements in the face. The RHA® Collection is specifically designed for facial dynamics and a natural look at rest and in motion.

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