Stretch Marks

Stretch Marks – What You Should Know

Stretch marks are very common in both women and men, but more commonly in women. Despite how common they are, the topic isn’t discussed much at all between family and friends. Perhaps out of embarrassment, or thinking it’s rare.

As a result, there are many questions people have that go unanswered, because the questions are never asked in the first place. So, here are a few that you might have wanted to ask, along with the answers for each one…


What are stretch marks?

Also known as striae, stretch marks start off as pink, reddish, or purple lesions found on the skin and appear as indented streaks or lines. In later stages, they often turn more white in color.

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks are typically formed as a result of the body’s rapid growth and change through puberty, pregnancy, or weight gain, when the skin is stretched quicker than normal growth. Other contributing factors include excess use of steroidal topical creams, hormone imbalance, and genetics.

Do stretch marks go away on their own?

The color might diminish in time, but they will not completely disappear on their own. And, there are no effective over-the-counter treatments at this time.

What common areas of the body do stretch marks occur?

While they can appear anywhere on your body, the most common areas they tend to form are where the largest amounts of fat are stored, such as the abdomen, upper arms, thighs, breasts, hips, and buttocks.

Are stretch marks bad?

No, they are not harmful. However, the cause might be harmful, such as sudden weight gain.

Can stretch marks be repaired?

Even though stretch marks are not harmful, they may lead to embarrassing moments and low self-esteem. Fortunately, there are treatments to help reduce or even remove them.

What are the best services for eliminating stretch marks?

Patients will either have stretch marks in the inflammatory phase (early), or an atrophic phase when they are a bit older and turning white. The best treatments to help eliminate stretch marks will depend on the phase the stretch marks are in, and on the patient. Each patient is assessed individually and a treatment plan will be made accordingly. For the inflammatory phase, laser treatments are very effective and will require approximately 3-6 sessions. When the stretch marks are in the atrophic phase, there are several options and collagen techniques such as radio frequency, microneedling, or CO2 lasers.

What is the cost for removing stretch marks?

That is a very difficult question to answer without a consultation. Many factors go into determining the cost such as which treatment or combination of treatments would be best for you, as well as the extent of stretch marks you have and how old they are. A consultation in the office will help give you a more accurate idea of the cost.

How can I prevent getting stretch marks?

Unfortunately, there isn’t a guarantee for preventing stretch marks. But, suggestions and harmless tips are circulating in hopes that some effort will make a difference. They include controlling your weight, staying hydrated, eating vitamin enriched foods, adding zinc to your diet, and boosting your vitamin C and vitamin D levels.

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